Wednesday 28 April 2010

Reality Check...

It appears that Oona Stannard is a little unhappy with the criticism she has received over the latest CES blunder. She says

"...At a time when as Catholics we particularly need to pull together, the undermining of Mr Pope saddens me."

What saddens me is that she appears to have no concept of the damage caused by the appointment of Greg Pope as Deputy Director of the CES.

Mr. Pope is not being undermined.

The ones who have been undermined are the parents who are attempting to explain to their children why the Church's teaching is beautiful and true, in the teeth of tremendous opposition from those who, because they choose to ignore that teaching, seek to ridicule it.

The ones who are undermined are the Catholic teachers and school governors who want to present the Church's teaching, but are told that it is unrealistic.

The ones who are undermined are those who go and stand outside abortion clinics, in all kinds of weather, quietly praying the rosary in the hope that maybe one life will be spared.

The ones who are undermined are the ordinary Catholics who try to follow Church teaching in their everyday lives.

The ones who are really undermined are the children who, because the CES has caved in to the government agenda, will never be taught the truth, and will be encouraged to surrender to the spirit of the age... and then, when the inevitable happens, these children will be told to "solve" their problems by killing other human beings, something which will scar them for life.

Yes, Catholics should pull together. But they should pull together in order to defend Catholic teaching in its entirety.

The CES has failed to do that - it is the Catholic Education Service which is doing the undermining.


  1. Thank you Mulier, you have said everything that I would have, but was so gobsmacked by this arrogant and disingenuous press release, that I couldn't find words!
    I'm still reeling!

  2. At a time when as Catholics we particularly need to pull together, the undermining of THE Pope saddens me, and that undermining is in part done by officials notionally working on behalf of Catholics, but whose core principles and mind-sets better fit them to working in the education department of a Labour-run local authority.

  3. Very true. When people say that Catholics must pull together, they had better mean that they ought to be pulling together for the TRUTH and the vulnerable--not that they are presenting a falsely united front for the cameras in favour of one man-in-power (lay or clerical) or another.

  4. Right on. People like Oona need to get a clue, and more over, take a [insert anglo-saxon blunt word of choice here] hike.

    Doesn't ANYONE pay the least bit of attention to vetting these days? A cursory check of Mr. Pope's core principles should have revealed in two minutes to anyone not brain dead that he would not be suitable for the position. Which makes you wonder why in hades why certain bishops aren't themselves asked to resign.

    Let's all do something novel: How about the powers that be have as their first an foremost consideration to promote the true teaching of God and morality, and have their MAIN concern the support of PRACTISING Catholics, reather than "cafeteria catholics" -- just a thought. The road to hell IS really paved with the skulls of "hirelings."

  5. Does no one believe there is a state of emergency in the church today? Is it not apparent that there is a "silent apostasy" (to borrow a phrase from Bishop Fellay) in the Catholic church in England?

    If the Conference of Bishops cannot be trusted to uphold the church's teaching on moral issues, why else must they be listened to in anything else?

  6. So Mr Pope's voting record as reported by John Smeaton is wholly fictitious?

  7. Was just going to say what an apt statement this would be if 'the' were substituted for 'Mr', but unfortunately Londiniensis got there first!

  8. The ones who are being undermined most of all are the unborn children and seriously ill adults whom Mr Pope has deemed unworthy of life.

  9. Sorry Mac, but I'm going to disagree slightly.

    Mr Pope has been undermined - by himself : by his very conspicuous failure to uphold the teachings of the Church when in a public position to do so.

    He thinks he's been undermined ?

    I'm sorry : he's undermined the Church, and is now surprised when the Church expresses its disgust ? What sort of thinking is this ?

  10. That said, I have just made a few comments myself . . .

  11. Dear Mac

    Thank you for this post and ''well said!''

    It is so disheartening to pray outside abortion mills and to think that meanwhile our very own schools are pouring fuel onto this dispicable bonfire...

    What a dreadful situation this truly is. Sr Lucia of Fatima did speak of a 'diabolical disorientation' in these times.

    The Rosary must be the potent weapon in our hands and hearts.

    May God forgive us all for allowing this to happen. Our leaders must repent and take drastic action.

    In Christ
    Alan and Angeline

  12. Oona Stannard and Greg Pope. You are both discredited and a travesty. Like this appalling government with its anti-Catholic agenda, it is time for you to GO !!! Be quick about it. Just GO !!!

  13. Not sure why some folks think the CES is clueless or incompetent. The only problem for the CES with Mr Pope is that his views are public and thereby exposes the real intent of the CES. He will help them enormously to undermine the authentic Catholic faith and promote a dissenting version, whilst making it look like they are faithful Catholics who have got the best deal for the Church.
