Sunday 14 March 2010

Those Rose Vestments Get Another Outing...

Those infamous rose vestments (courtesy of The Tablet) made another appearance today. They really are rather splendid! Many, many thanks to Fr. Z and Damian Thompson for their campaigns to raise the funds!!

Anyhow, I decided that I wanted some more photos, especially as we were once again privileged to have a Solemn High Mass...

Truly sublime...

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see real rose. I did go to the EF (low mass) yesterday, just because it was Laetare SUnday. Also no rose -- the shade of vestments the parish inherited from the Latin Mass Society (when it was disolved after the parish of St. Anne's was given over exclusively to the EF form of Mass) is decidely PINK. And I don't blame father for not wearing it, after having seen it! [The cope had made an appearance at the high Mass on Gaudete Sunday for the Asperges, but the priest who'd said that Mass can only wear that color for so long until assuming transmogrification into an Easter Bunny - so I didn't blame him either for not wearing the pink chasuble, etc. when he changed out of that cope.] I'm sure they'll eventually acquire a proper set, but after the renovations for a nearby house the church is modifying in order to have more office/classroom space. Priorities and all that.
