Sunday 31 January 2010

Septuagesima Sunday...

I love Septuagesima. I always found that Lent would catch me unawares, sneaking up early, and before I knew it, it was Ash Wednesday and I hadn't sorted out what I was going to do for Lent.

Septuagesima is like a two-week warning: time to give serious consideration to the areas of penance, prayer and almsgiving... well as giving me time to finish up any meat products in the freezer, and treat myself to a couple of steak dinners.

Not to mention bacon sandwiches.


  1. You wouldn't be needing any help clearing out that bacon, would you?

  2. Totally agree about Septuagesima. Time for me to bake lots o' cookies!

    (Last year someone said to me, "Rachel, you do know it's called Fat Tuesday, not Fat MONTH, don't you?")

  3. Whaddya mean, two week warning? Did I miss something? Like a whole season? Stay there while I get the's true. You're right. Dear God.

    Oh, by the way....I'm back. Fairly obviously.

  4. I just read that last part whilst finishing a lovely bacon sandwich (although I am fussy and cut all the fat off - which my dad says is the best part). I wonder what I'll give up for Lent this year? Reading Tolkien??

  5. Rachel - Hey, I like the idea of "fat month"... mois gras instead of mardi gras.

    MOTL - yes, I commented on your blog yesterday!

  6. We love "Keeping Up Appearances" here
    in the USA...Onslow and his "bacon sandwiches" or whatever he calls them (can't quite catch it!).
    Anyway, your post reminded me of that and of the fact, that, yes, indeed, we have some time to prepare for Lent...Yeah!
