Thursday 25 February 2010

Have They Actually Read The Catechism??

This is just so jaw-droppingly unbelievable.

Maybe, after all the criticism over the CSF Bill, the Bishops came to the conclusion that they might as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb, and have chucked another few lamb chops under the grill.

It seems that the bishop who speaks on pro-life matters for the Bishops' Conference has opened his mouth only to change feet.

This from John Smeaton's blog...

Archbishop Smith has said today that he "welcome[s]" new guidelines on assisted suicide published today by Keir Starmer, the director of public prosecutions (DPP). Archbishop Smith highlighted positive changes in the guidelines and made no mention of any negative aspects.

Paul Tully of SPUC Pro-Life, which was officially represented before the courts in the Debbie Purdy case, told the media this evening:

"'s guidelines still represent a significant shift towards judging the suspect's motive ("compassion") in committing the crime, rather than his/her intention (to help cause death). This shift clearly undermines the protection that the law affords to those who might commit suicide, and leaves prosecutors with a very difficult task, when faced with relatives who claim to be grief-stricken by the death of someone they loved, but helped to commit suicide."

Read the rest HERE. Try not to punch anything.


  1. "has opened his mouth only to change feet", should read "has opened his mouth to try a larger shoe size!"

    When is all this 'shacking-up with the enemy' going to stop?

    Forgive my comment and I know it's speaking out of turn, but I really believe the Vatican has a 'serious problem' on its hands with the Bishops of E&W. The way that the SRE Bill and now this assisted suicide / Euthanasia 'appeasement' are being handled by them, begs the question 'are these Shepherds actually Catholic?'

  2. Yes, the magisterium of Westminster is coming along rather well with bishop Balls and bishop Starmer at the helm.Can't be too long before we see a bishop Harriet(Harman) join them in their apostolate of authorising the Catholic Bishops of E+W in what and how to teach!

  3. Yikes!! Kate, I thought my comment was close to the mark - but you get the Gold Rosette for sure!

    Nice one.

    God Bless.

  4. Well George, my comment above was rather tongue-in-cheek, nevertheless,we do seem to have a situation where our political leaders are trespassing in areas where they have no legitimate business to be; whilst those whose business those areas are, seem to be unaware of the dangers of allowing the state to dictate in matters of conscience and morality.
    If my previous comment was too strongly expressed, I would trust in the judgement of Mulier Fortis to delete it!
    Certainly, I hope it caused no offence....
    God Bless you and all other bloggers and commenters who care enough about these matters to post/comment.

  5. Hey Kate - don't get me wrong! I'm with you on this one all the way!

    Time we had politicians who get on with the job of running the country and Bishops with BACKBONE who do not flinch from teaching the Truth (in its entirety) of our Glorious Faith!

    God Bless.

  6. Try looking at The Universe today : and you'll discover that ++Vincent has everything perfectly under control - it's only that we don't understand what's happening !

  7. Let's Pray that the Bishops and the decision makers get a good dose of the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
