Sunday 3 January 2010

Sympathy Update...

When I woke up this morning, I greeted the cat and, startled by the rasping croak which emanated from my direction, he shot out of the catflap. He soon returned, demanding food.

I didn't feel up to singing anything at Mass, but, by the end of it, the drugs I'd taken had started to kick in, and I felt a little more human. By late afternoon, I realised that the respite had been temporary, and so headed off to the supermarket to buy more cold remedies, tissues (balsam ones help to stop the nose chaffing) and ribena (hot ribena is very comforting!)

If you are of a squeamish disposition, don't read any more... I shall go into full technicolour detail in a blatant attempt to drum up more sympathy...

The little flap of skin which hangs down from the soft palate at the back of the throat is called the uvula. By some fluke of genetics or developmental quirk, I have got two. This has never been a problem before. However, at the moment, they are both extremely swollen (they feel like golf-ball sized nodules, but this is clearly not accurate) and they keep bumping against the back of my tongue... which makes me gag as a reflex... also makes swallowing very difficult...

...and I don't think I'll be yelling at anyone tomorrow morning.

...come to think of it, speaking in anything above a whisper might just prove to be beyond my capabilities.


  1. Dear Mac;

    you don't need to drum up sympathy; you already have it - I know just how horrible this sort of thing can be (I have similar problems myself from time to time), and can think of few things less appealing than being like it on the first day of term.

    I can only hope that my prayers at Benediction may help a little . . .

  2. The swollen uvula is EXACTLY what I got! Hope you feel better soon. Take plenty Paracetamol and Codeine.

  3. Please take delivery of another barrow-load of heartfelt sympathy.

    How do you avoid vibrato with two of those things in your throat!

    Take care Mac and do think seriously about whether it is wise to go in tomorrow morning.

    I'll say a special prayer for you tonight.

  4. After having been asleep for what seemed ages, I got up to take more medicine, and found that it has only been about 3 hours, and found these lovely messages...

    Dominic Mary - thank you!

    Mark... yes, but I have TWO of them !

    Jane - thanks! No idea... I always used to think that people had to learn to sing vibrato! I just open my mouth and the sound comes out. I wish I'd had singing lessons, but I never seem to have the time.

  5. Praying you get better soon. I note from your interests that you like blonde jokes. OK ... here goes:

    A ventriloquist sitting on the stage goes through his routine. The dummy he's holding tells one blonde joke after another ... "there was this blonde ..."

    The audience laugh themselves to tears. Eventually a blonde woman has had enough. She stands up and shouts "Stop all these jokes. They are degrading and insulting to blondes everywhere. You should be ashamed!"

    The ventriloquist stops his act and says "I'm sorry madam ... I meant no offence."

    She says "I'm not talking to you ... I'm talking to the little man on your knee."

    Hope it cheered you up.

    God bless.

  6. Victor - most excellent!


  7. Dear Mulier Fortis. Hope the sleep and extra medicine are kicking in and you are beginning to feel a tad better. Would echo previous suggestion that you seriously consider delaying your return to school life for a day or two. Best wishes.

  8. Gargling with whisky apparently a good remedy for a sore throat!

    Do hope you'll soon feel better.
