Friday 1 January 2010

Seeing In The New Year At Blackfen...

The perfect way to see out the old year and to welcome the new one! At 11pm last night, we had Exposition, followed by the Rosary, some time for silent Adoration, a hymn, (Of the Father's love begotten, I really love that one!) Benediction and then the singing of the Te Deum in thanksgiving for the past year...

I wanted to try out the video function on my super-snazzy camera, and this seemed to be the perfect opportunity - first there's the final decade of the Joyful Mysteries...

And we ended with the Te Deum. Sadly, I missed the start by a few seconds! It's also spoiled by the fact that I couldn't resist singing along, and, even though I moved away from the camera, the microphone is quite sensitive...

There is apparently a Plenary Indulgence (under the usual conditions) attached to the singing of the Te Deum at the end of the year. There's another one available for singing the Veni, Creator Spiritus at the start of the New Year... We had that at Mass this morning, both at Blackfen and St. James' Church, Spanish Place... More about that later!


  1. Dear Mulier Fortis. Most grateful for this beautiful portrayal of the Te Deum and the Rosary from Blackfen. Your readers might wish to know that the bumping, banging and loud noises, heard during the singing, were not Blackfen parishioners wearing hob-nailed boots moving around the pews, but New Year fireworks going off in the neighbourhood. I also discovered your YouTube video is much better if one watches it with the HD (High Definition) button selected (third button from the right at the bottom). Excuse me if everybody else already knew that trick.

  2. Apologies. For HD (High Definition) button, read HQ (High Quality) button.
