Saturday 5 December 2009

Renewing My Vows...

It's a big day today - I'm renewing my vows, something I do each year. Although I consider the vows to be permanent, renewing them helps me to focus on how faithfully (or not) I am living up to the promises I made. If you want to know what those promises were, you can see them HERE. And if you are wondering why I made them, I try to explain a little more HERE.

The whole thing kicks off this morning at 10:30am with the usual monthly Missa Cantata at Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen. Mass is followed by Benediction. There is then a brief pause (basically to allow the schola and Fr. Tim to draw breath) and the service where I renew my vows starts at 12noon. It's a short one, the highlight being the Litany of Saints, which this year is in the traditional form. The down-side to this is that I can't just slot in my favourite saints, as the list is set. Hopefully they will understand!

Refreshments will follow in the small hall, prepared by the UCM. I had hoped to arrange for the party to be in the Large Hall, but there is a charity event booked in. Blackfen is a busy place. Next year I'll make sure I have done the paperwork in triplicate!

Several of you have left messages of support and prayers. Thank you all very much, I am extremely touched by this, and be assured that I shall pray for all my blog readers this morning.


  1. Many prayers from this side of the pond.

    Ad multos annos!

  2. May your day be blessed!

  3. Prayers and congratulations

  4. Sorry we couldn't be there today Mac, but with you in spirit and be assured of our prayers.

    God Bless.

  5. Thanks for your Witness, Mac. Dominus vobiscum!


  6. Praying for you. God bless.

  7. Congratulations, Mac! Hope all goes well.

    God bless you, and hope to see you some time soon!

  8. Congratulations, I hope you had a blessed day.

  9. Belated congratulations! I was with you in prayer earlier in the day but no time to add my congrats.

  10. Congratulations, Mulier Fortis. God Bless and prayers assured.

  11. Congrats! What a great witness to the vowed Single Life!

  12. Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes!

  13. Many prayers and congratulations. Sorry this is so late - because of a crazy week, I'm about two days behind on everything.

  14. Congratulations Mac, sorry we have not checked in with your blog for a while. Thank you for your witness :)
