Monday 19 October 2009

The First Time I've EVER Been Keen On Yoga...

Heheheheheheh... I bet THAT post title got a few people spitting out their coffee in shock!

But panic not... I haven't succeeded in tucking my leg over my ear (seriously, as a teenager I was told this would help the pain I was in... in vain did I protest that, with one leg in plaster, it wasn't going to happen...) nor in achieving the position in the picture (which looks mightily uncomfortable!)

Instead, this morning I went to cover a lesson for a Sixth Form class - Health & Social Care. I arrived to find everyone taking their shoes and socks off. Somewhat puzzled (this is not normal classroom behaviour, even in a Health & Social Care lesson) I asked what was going on.

And was greeted with the joyful news that, as there was a practical session on yoga being given by another teacher, I wasn't necessary as a cover teacher...

Definitely good news to brighten my Monday morning!

1 comment:

  1. The mind boggles!

    Luckily I had a glass of wine to hand not coffee otherwise I would have been spluttering as you imagined - couldn't waste a good drop of wine tho' so managed to control myself! :-)
