Saturday 26 September 2009

Mini-Blognic In Blackfen...

Last Sunday, Mike Forbester (Rudgate Ramblings) happened to stop by in Blackfen for Mass. Afterwards, I persuaded him to pose for a little photo with the Blackfen Posse...

We have quite a few bloggers in Blackfen: from left to right Patricius, Zephyrinus (who only comments), His Hermeneuticalness, Mike and Leutgeb.

While I'm about it, Mike mentioned that regular Extraordinary Form Masses are to recommence in York, starting from Sunday 11th October, at the Church of the English Martyrs, Dalton Terrace in York. It will be at 6.30pm, and for the time being, it will be a Low Mass. The celebrant will be Fr Stephen Maughan. This is definitely good news.


  1. What a fine photo of *most* of you all. You know, Mac. You can set those cameras on timer, and sometime after hell freezes over, you can get in the pic too. :-D

  2. Heheheheheh... actually someone else did volunteer to take the photo, but I wouldn't let go of the camera...
