Wednesday 26 August 2009

Petition Against Abortion Ads On TV...

This petition is a bit of a shock for those of us who are used to doing this sort of thing with the click of a mouse (more or less.) It is one of those petitions that you actually have to sign and then send back...

However, it is also one of the most important petitions you will ever be asked to sign. So, it is worth hunting for an envelope and a stamp, printing the page off, filling it in and then posting the whole shemozzle in the nearest snail mail recepticle. That last bit is where I often come unstuck: I so rarely post anything!

The petition is addressed to the Prime Minister, and is against the proposal to allow abortion agencies to advertise on television and radio.

The reasons behind the petition are clearly explained on John Smeaton's blog. The dangers of the abortion industry being allowed to tout their "services" are demonstrated by the duplicitous approach employed by the woman from Marie Stopes International, who spoke in a debate on Premier Christian Radio, as reported by Fiorella. If they can lie about why they want to advertise, then they can lie about everything else, including the effects that abortion has on the women concerned.

I'll believe that Marie Stopes International wants to advertise on TV and radio purely in order to stimulate discussion and debate between parents and children when Professor Richard Dawkins goes down on bended knee in sackcloth and ashes at the Holy Father's feet in St. Peter's Square, admitting that he was wrong and begging to be baptised Catholic. Or, when hell freezes over. Whichever happens first.

1 comment:

  1. yeah, and Phillip Morris really doesn't want you to smoke cigarettes either, nor does Dewar's want you to develop a taste for Scotch.
