Tuesday 25 August 2009

Mass In The Ordinary Form...

I love Mass celebrated according to the Usus Antiquior, whether Low Mass, Missa Cantata or Solemn High Mass.

But I also love the Mass itself, because of what is happening. In Blackfen, we are fortunate to have a variety of Mass "styles" and I often attend the Sunday evening Mass, which is in the Ordinary Form; it is celebrated ad orientem, as recommended by our Holy Father in his book, The Spirit of the Liturgy.

There is a lot of stuff going around the blogs about the Reform of the Reform, and ICEL have been told what's what in no uncertain terms, so we have a better translation of the texts coming along shortly. I thought I would take some photos from Sunday evening Mass, and make it into a slide show video, the way I have for the Extraordinary Form Masses I've attended.

The music is by a group called Adiemus, from their album, Songs of Sanctuary. The track is also called Adiemus.

I shall try to get some photos from Mass celebrated versus populum shortly - it's more tricky, as I don't usually go to either the Saturday 6pm or Sunday 9am Masses, but I might be able to take photos at one of the weekday Masses this week...


  1. Hi Mac..did you say this was an OF Mass with a biretta? Never seen one of those. If you don't mind me asking was that a girl server?

  2. I like your choice of music. I have this album too :-)

  3. Jackie - never seen a biretta?? (heheheheh) As for the server, it's either a girl, or a boy with a very long ponytail...

    Miss Ellen - Great minds think alike... (and don't bother with the rest of that saying!)

  4. Thanks for the lovely slide show, Mac. I've often wondered what the Mass in the Ordinary Form looks like when celebrated 'ad orientem' - now I know! The Mass is beautiful in any Form IMHO!

  5. I have to say that mass with one deacon does look rather odd. One of the great things about the old rite is the aesthetic symmetry in terms of of the number of ministers at High Mass. Now that Paul VI abolised the age-old order of su-diaconate, all that is gone.

  6. I was going to ask the girl/boy question too. However why does he/she wear an alb at this Mass and the others wear casscok and cotta?
