Friday 31 July 2009

Jubilee Mass Order Of Service...

Some people like to see these things, especially if they are planning to do something similar themselves. The booklet really was very beautifully produced, but there appears to have been a bit of a glitch in the setting here, this being a Word File rather than a PDF, so the Adoro te devote isn't set out correctly here (it was in the booklet!)

UPDATE: Fr. Finigan has read this post in horror and, in order to maintain his reputation, has sent me the PDF file, which I have uploaded instead... much better!

JubileeBooklet pauls


  1. Aargh! It wasn't set out with that clunky font either. I have sent you the final pdf from the printer which looks much better.

  2. Mac, over here he'd be at least a monsignor if not a bishop. [Assuming it's not in the archdiocese of Mahonyland.]
