Tuesday 7 July 2009

Happy Anniversary, Summorum Pontificum...

It's hard to believe that Summorum Pontificum came out two whole years ago... Deo gratias! In consequence, I am shamelessly stealing His Hermeneuticalness' celebratory YouTube video...

The number of Masses celebrated according to the usus antiquior appears to have escalated exponentially, looking at the LMS adverts for EF in papers such as the Catholic Herald... and, of course, this wouldn't have been quite so easy without the help of the Bishops of England & Wales - by (re)moving all the Holy Days, they made it possible for priests and laity who wish to observe the proper feasts to switch to the Extraordinary Form calendar... and, freed from the need to provide extra Masses on those former Holy Days of Obligation, more priests can get together for Solemn High Mass...

I doubt that this was the intention of their Lordships, but every cloud has a silver lining, eh?


  1. Great video! I've never seen dancers at Mass. Maybe it's better that way...

  2. The Pope looks so amused he must be watching the video too!!
