Saturday 27 June 2009

Latin Lessons...

Someone asked Fr. Tim how he went about teaching our young altar servers what they need to do at the Mass.

First rule seems to be "keep it short and sweet." Twenty minutes or so. No long lessons, especially as he holds them after Benediction on Saturday. Some of the servers will have been serving at the morning's Low Mass, and then been running around outside during Adoration, before coming back in to serve for Benediction... and the youngest of our servers are about 7 years old...

"Keep it varied" is the second rule. So today, Fr. Tim led the boys in a short stint of "let's say the prayers at the foot of the altar out loud together," followed by "thurible drill," followed by "how to pass the boat."

Most amusing was the final item: "spin the biretta"... vital for budding MCs!

1 comment:

  1. "Spin the biretta" must be the true incentive for the boys to become altar servers.
