Wednesday 10 June 2009

Have You Heard The One About...

My first response when I read about this one was to look for the punchline. Unfortunately, it appears to be true. CAFOD's Hexham & Newcastle Branch have an annual pilgrimage to Holy Island. This year, they have invited a member of the Yanomami índios in Brazil to lead the reflection at key points along the way with reflections from his own tradition, focussing on how we live in harmony with God's creation.

There's nothing wrong or objectionable in listening to what a person from another religion or culture has to say on issues such as climate change and tribal matters... but is it suitable for a Pilgrimage? And leading the reflection??

The CAFOD Diocesan Manager said, "It will be very interesting to hear what he has to say about climate change, and also to hear how his customs value the stories of his ancestors just as he will hear how we revere our Northern saints."

Ummmmm. I hope they've offset his carbon footprint... bringing him all the way over from Brazil is hardly "sustainable."

Twitch of the mantilla to Catholic Action UK.


  1. Anonymous4:31 pm

    So, I guess Saint Antonio Galvao, born in Brazil, is just so very dismissable as one of those, you know, "Northern Saints", who are of no more value than stories that anyone can tell... right?

    Father George bloggingLOURDES

  2. When things get beyond parody - and this is beyond parody! - we know the end of civilization is near!

  3. The Bible clearly states that God both created and maintains the universe.
    As an expression of His love for people He has to keep these balances very carefully maintained.
    I think that the argument that man has caused global warming, and so is able to counter it merely reinforces the fact that today’s 'man' thinks he is GOD.

    As for Cafod I wish they would global warm themselves out of existence. They do more harm than good when they associate themselves to the Catholic Faith.

  4. Oh Dear, CAFOD does seem to be losing the plot somewhat, methinks.

    How long, I wonder, will it be before they change their name to 'FOD'?


  5. Whenever a clergyman starts talking "global waming" leftist claptrap, understand it's another angle on the "people are bad" mantra. Useful idiots. Go out for a smoke, and light up, even if you don't smoke, just to tick them off. Go "the long way around" to leave a BIGGER carbon footprint, and be sure to leave on every light in the house.

  6. Anonymous5:07 pm

    Perhaps he'll surprise them by talking about the sanctity of Life!

  7. Only if it's the sanctity of plant and animal life. These eco-types usually consider humans to be a plague on the face of the planet...
