Tuesday 26 May 2009

Wet, Wet, Wet...

My second day in Lourdes started exactly as planned - I woke up in plenty of time for breakfast, and brought the group down to the Domaine where the tour guide was due to meet us.

Knowing how hilly the town is, I had decided to skip the tour of Bernadette's home, church and so on... Once the group had left with the guide, I wandered around the Domaine.

First I booked a slot with the official photographer. I went to the grotto and said a prayer, had a drink of the water, and then went in to the Rosary Basilica. I sat down to pray my Office in an inconspicuous spot, and then went around taking some photos.

I was pretty tired by this time, so I returned to the hotel for a half-hour power nap... after which I went to lunch... Unfortunately, service in the restaurant I chose was rather slow, which made me five minutes late for my appointment with the Grotto webcam...

The baths were next - and it was freezing... I did remember to pray for all my fellow bloggers - through chattering teeth! I didn't have any children with me and so I had to join the main queue... And the whole process took two hours, which meant that I only just squeaked into Mass on time.

Fr. Tim took the group to the High Stations as planned - I went with Fr. Charles for a leisurely coffee.

The weather took a turn for the worse, but we all went along to the Torchlight Procession - though after walking for a short while, I decided to "cheat" and went to sit down at the side (the constant stop-start motion is hard going on my knee and ankle!) the advantage of this, however, was that I could take some good photos.

Then it was back to the hotel for a few drinks before bed.

Tomorrow is a more gentle affair - but please pray that the weather improves...

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