Saturday 23 May 2009


I have just seen this slideshow, courtesy of J.P. Sonnen, which shows lots and lots of young men and women in habits and other clerical dress. Very encouraging...

I hadn't spotted John's blog before - it's well worth a visit. John is a graduate student and tour operator living in Rome. I love one of the phrases he uses: to know history is to be Catholic.

Twitch of the mantilla to Fr. Ray Blake.


  1. When I was persuing the faith between 1995-1997 and then becoming a Catholic in 1998 I thought that all was hopeless. That the only way to be a full, 100% Catholic was to jump ship and go become SSPX.

    So much has changed over the past decade!!! First of all I ralized that the only thing stopping me from being 100% Catholic was my own self ~ due to fear of what others might think....

    And WOW! Look at how younger Catholics are taking their faith serious and public and giving encouragement to all!

  2. Lovely video, thanks for posting. As you say, very encouraging.

  3. Loved it! Thank you for a refreshing break from drudgery. :)
