Wednesday 15 April 2009

So Much For The PCC...

The Press Complaints Commission has, unsurprisingly enough, decided that the cartoon depicting Pope Benedict XVI with a condom on his head did not breach the Code of Practice.

Several people complained that the cartoon discriminated against the Catholic Church as a whole: this takes it out of the remit of the Code, as Clause 12 was designed to protect the rights of individuals. The Holy Father would have to complain personally before the PCC could investigate an alleged discriminatory reference to his religion.

So that's ok then. As Phil says, let's wait and see what happens when a cartoon of, say, the Prophet Mohammed is published...


  1. It seems superfluous for me to make mention of what the Scriptures say about the Church and the world. It is grievous that we as Catholics live in the last ages when Truth is scoffed at and sin is praised, but I take great comfort in the infinite mercy of God - and of course His infinite justice. He is not mocked, and therefore whoever drew that cartoon will only end up where he belongs if he does not do penance. Although it would be great if he did public penance at the Holy Father's knees!

  2. Then the Mohammed one should be "good to go" because he's certainly not going to be able to complain personally.

  3. You need to get a few of your friends together and go and throw some bricks through their window, that seems to be the only way to get business done in Britain today.
