Monday 27 April 2009

I Give In...


I was waiting for His Hermeneuticalness to put up another post about our St. George's Day celebrations... I even emailed him all the photos I'd taken...

The idea behind this is that he would have to do all the hard work checking out the photos, picking the good ones and writing the post; meanwhile I could snaffle the good photos which he'd have edited for colour balance and what have you, and then link to his post.

That was the plan.

However, it is now the third day, and there is no sign of a post. Given that several people who saw me wielding a camera have demanded to know where the photos have got to, I guess that I'm just going to have to put them up myself...

The photos are really not very good. The phone camera takes brilliant photos during the day, but just can't cope with low light conditions. It takes so long to focus that I invariably miss the really important shots (Elevation of the Host, genuflection, etc. etc.) But you can enjoy these ones anyway...

In case you're wondering, the other two members of the clergy were Fr. Charles Briggs and Rev. John Harrison.

This one was from Benediction, which followed on immediately after Mass...

1 comment:

  1. I think this photo is rather evocative with the light somewhat gleaming from the Blessed Sacrament in and around the sactuary.
