Sunday 12 April 2009

Happy Easter !

Just back from the Easter Vigil (and a post-Baptism party!)

Yes, I know I should go to bed, but I couldn't resist putting up a post before Karen sends the boys round to find out why I haven't blogged anything. She's already in shock at getting her Good Friday photos up before I did...

The truth is that I didn't really take any photos... I'm sorry, but the Novus Ordo Mass is simply not as photogenic as the usus antiquior... and so, sadly, the phone camera was not switched on.

I did manage to take a photo of the Altar of Repose on Maundy Thursday...

I did try taking a photo of the Easter fire, but my phone camera just couldn't cope with the conditions. I may have to splash out on a super-dooper digital camera some time, but not just yet.

Fr. Tim's sermon for the Vigil Mass was excellent, focussing on the role of St. Mary Magdalene. She was always one of my favourite saints, but I hated the fact that she was hijacked by Dan Brown for his ghastly fantasy, and then appropriated on the back of the novel by anyone who wanted to push for women priests. Anyway, the sermon really redressed the balance, and I hope that Fr. Tim will publish it on his blog soon.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Easter, Mac!
    Just got back from my post-Vigil supper - up in 5 hours - crazy!
