Tuesday 17 February 2009


This 12 year-old prepared a speech for a competition, and she chose the subject of abortion.

Not only is she an amazing speaker, so articulate and assured, but she completely demolishes the arguments for abortion.

I am so full of admiration for this girl.

Twitch of the mantilla to the Catholic Cavemen.


  1. Shucks, you beat me to it. I was going to post this! Fantastic video though, isn't it?

  2. Blinkin' 'eck!

    I don't suppose she has a line on Catechetics in Catholic schools?

  3. Slight issue when she says (at around 2.34) the mother may had the choice not to have unprotected sex in the first place.

    Implies she has the choice to have protected sex.

  4. PatterNoster, the little girl giving the speech is twelve, and she wrote the speech herself.

    Most people three times her age wouldn't be half as articulate. I can forgive her one (implied) mistake.

  5. Send this video to Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi!

    Out of the mouth of babes...

  6. Likewise. It is, oh, so simple to the children. This is perhaps the first child who has become so public.

    Since her conclusions are so reasonable, why should they not be obvious to persons who have all the facts.

  7. A future president of the US?

  8. Anonymous5:43 pm

    Wow, she's good :)

  9. There's an article about her on Catholic Exchange. She's from Canada!
