Saturday 21 February 2009

Back Again...

Yes, I have been away again, this time visiting my sister, brother-in-law, and two adorable little nephews. Nephew number 1 has reached the stage where he is able to hold intelligible conversations... well, intelligible to his parents. I needed to employ the services of a translator, and occasionally indulged in a bit of inspired guesswork... "Oh, you want a biscuit? Ok, let's go and find out where Mummy keeps the biscuits..." Sure enough, he knew where that was...

Nephew number 2 is five months old, and is one of the most placid, smiley little babies I have ever encountered. He's teething, but seemed to find my finger to be an acceptable substitute for his normal teething ring.

I seem to be making a habit of this being bitten malarkey. First the fish, now my nephew.

Everyone's a critic.

1 comment:

  1. Your brave. No 3 here is also 5 months old and also enjoys a tasty finger.

    Unfortunately he likes to playfully chew the finger for a few minutes before biting as hard as he can, if he gets the right part of your finger it's really sore...
