Friday 12 December 2008

Rosary Meme...

Puella Paschalis has tagged me for this unusual (and blissfully short) meme. 

Post a picture of 3 of your most special and beautiful rosaries and tell us why they are special to you. Then pass it through to three of your fellow bloggers who will pick their three rosaries and so on. And maybe it will be a nice gesture to pray a special intention for the three persons you "gave" the rosary to the next time you pray a rosary...

My initial reaction was that, as a result of giving "spare" rosaries away, I didn't have three rosaries to photograph. However, when I stopped to have a look, I discovered that I didn't have three different rosaries.

I have this one in my pocket most of the time. I like the colour, and the fact that each bead is moulded into the shape of a rose. But, most of all, I like the fact that it has a small vial of water from Lourdes. I like to carry my rosary loose, as I don't want the bother of having to take it out of a pouch... as a result, I find that my rosaries often break.  I'll try to fix the "current" one a few times, and then I buy another one (I figure that I'm supporting the rosary market by doing this!) But, as I like the connection with Lourdes, I tend to buy the same style of rosary over and over...

This is the rosary I keep on the shelf in my car. I don't want to drape it from the rear-view mirror because it would be a distraction when I'm driving. It's one of the ACN rosaries, blessed by the Holy Father. The way I drive, I figure I need all the help I can get. It also proves to be a good conversation piece when I get my car cleaned.

I couldn't find another different rosary.  I have one by my bed, and another in my handbag, but they're both the same as the one in my pocket... but, to prove that I have got more than two rosaries...

So, now I'm going to tag three people.
1.  Karen (because she has nobbled me several times before, often in sneaky, underhand ways!)
2.  The Mother of This Lot (I'm sure she'll have a few stashed away somewhere.)
3.  Phil (to prove that there are no hard feelings after he gave in to pressure from Karen!!)


  1. But Mac, it's always an indirect way, and it gets more people involved in doing the meme. [You're not the only one...if I want digi, kitbrookside and archangel to do the meme I tag digi, then the three of them end up doing it. If I tag kit, then digi will do it and also tag arch. if I tag arch, then he'll tag digi, who will tag kit. See? :-D there are a few other"triads" I have like that! ;-D

    Cool meme. I have a rosary similar to your blue one - it's red, and the beads are in the form of roses. It also has a faint rose smell to it. It's sterling silver and tarnishes, which reminds me I have to polish it as the cross is half green!

  2. Yes, I know... I do the same! But it's still sneaky & underhand!!!

  3. That's why we're at odds with each other every now and again. We're frighteningly alike! [just not at the same time. We could be bridge partners because we'd know what the other was thinking.]

    I'm going to see if I can squeeze in the rosary meme before my lunch break is over!


  4. I was raised in an all-women household. Would you expect any less? ;-)

  5. Finally done, madam!

    And Phil, you'd have enough nuts and berries for an entire Navy Seal Team.
