Saturday 8 November 2008


I've only just remembered that we're having a Requiem for the war dead at our High Mass tomorrow, as it's Remembrance Sunday, and there will be absolutions at the catafalque and all the trimmings...

Pretty stirring stuff.  I better go and check that my mobile phone is fully charged!


  1. "I better go and check that my mobile phone is fully charged!"

    And on silent lol

  2. Heheheheh... I actually make sure I have the phone on "Airplane Mode" if I'm taking pictures in church - the last thing I want is for it to start flashing to tell me I have a call or text, even if it is on silent!!

  3. Very good, snap away :)

  4. RIP.

    They shall not grow old
    As we who are left grow old.

    Age shall not weary them
    Nor the years condemn.

    At the going down of sun and in the morning,
    We shall remember them


  5. "We are the Dead. Short days ago
    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow..."

    RIP indeed.
