Saturday 18 October 2008

So, It's That Time Of Year Again...

Thinking about the rapid onset of Christmas... every Advent, I renew the vows I've taken.  Before you ask, they're private vows, and you can find out more about them in these posts I wrote previously: HERE and HERE.

This is my sixth anniversary, and, fortunately, the nearest convenient Saturday early in Advent happens to coincide with our monthly Missa Cantata.  In previous years I've had a short service of re-dedication after Exposition and Benediction; however, when we have the Missa Cantata, there isn't time for a holy hour, and there is just a short service of Benediction after the Mass. So, this year, my renewal of vows will happen after Benediction, at 11:45am.

The very nice chaps from our visiting schola have agreed to sing the Litany of Saints, which will be a real treat. Afterwards, there will be a buffet lunch in the large hall, and hopefully the bar will be open too, and everyone is welcome.

Directions to the parish can be found HERE.  It would be helpful, for catering purposes, if you could leave a message in the combox to say that you're planning to come along, but, anyway, if any of you bloggers (and blog readers) do happen to find yourself in the vicinity of Blackfen on Saturday, 6th December, feel free to pop in!


  1. Anonymous9:09 pm

    I don't plan to be near Blackfen then, but you never know what Providence has in store!!

  2. Congrats on your pending anniversary. I'll be there in spirit.
