Sunday 26 October 2008

Another Bishop Speaks Out...

This time, the Bishop in question is on this side of the pond (for which I am extremely grateful!)  I would be happier if he was a little closer to home...

Cardianl O'Brien spoke at the SPUC Conference in Glasgow.  You can read part of his statement on Fr. Ray's blog.  John Smeaton has a fuller report on the Conference over at his blog.

The vote has been taken, but the fight for the protection of human life must go on.

It occurred to me today, during an excellent sermon (part of which has ended up as a blog post...) on one aspect of the four last things, that we will be judged by Our Lord at the end of our lives on what we did (or didn't do) to protect the unborn. The time to prepare our answer is now...


  1. Just a reminder for tomorrow:

  2. That man has really grown a back-bone, hasn't he? There was a time when the title 'another bishop speaks out' accompanied by his picture would have indicated a spoof article. Amazing.
