Tuesday 2 September 2008

Not A Happy Blogger...

I am now contemplating a bit of broken tooth. It might be a bit of broken temporary filling out of the stump of tooth which was being prepped for a crown yesterday, but then again, it might be a bit of tooth. It's a bit difficult to tell... Either way, I am an extremely unhappy bunny.

I suppose it could be worse... I haven't got any pain or sensitivity from the gap/remaining tooth stump/remaining temporary filling, but the gum around it is tender from yesterday's drilling, and now there is a big hole in one of my main back teeth... a hole I thought I'd gotten sorted last time round...


That dentist had better watch out for his fingers next time...


  1. No more jokes. You have my complete sympathy. Prayers and good luck. (And a "muscle cramp" causing a few lost fingers sounds like a great motivational tool for the dear doc).

  2. Actually, rjw, I rather enjoy the jokes...

  3. The last time I went to an English dentist, I was five. I was taken to an office under the false pretenses of "shopping". Three nurses held me down on a table while I screamed, another pushed a black mask over my face.

    When I woke up, I was missing two molars.

    The damage done to my psyche (I've never been able to stand even the sight of any kind of gas mask or oxygen mask), was equalled only to the damage to the root bed of my teeth. The space remained long into my teenage years, and when the adult teeth finally did come in the gap had closed so that there was no room for them so they grew in sideways. My (excellent) Canadian dentist recommended that I have the two adult teeth out, but my lifelong terror of gas masks and dental surgery ruled it out.

    Why do the English produce such incredibly lousy and incompetent dentists.

    It's an oddity of the culture.

    With the great poetry and wonderful Stilton cheese, comes lousy sausages and heretic bishops.


  4. I'm getting a permanent crown put on tomorrow. I've had the temp on for a couple of weeks. Thank God, no problems.
