Saturday 19 July 2008

What's In A Name...?

Well, if it's "Dan Brown," then, it seems, quite a lot!

The Vatican received a request to film Angels and Demons, the prequel to The Da Vinci Code, in St. Peter's. The refreshing response was a resounding "No!" The film makers may not shoot any of the footage in the Vatican grounds or in any church in Rome.

Father Marco Fibbi, a spokesman for the Diocese of Rome, said: "Normally we read the script but this time it was not necessary. The name Dan Brown was enough."

Archbishop Velasio De Paolis, the head of the Vatican’s Prefecture for Economic Affairs, said "It would be unacceptable to transform churches into film sets so that his blasphemous novels can be made into films..."

Now, perhaps someone could tell the authorities at Westminster Cathedral...

You can read more HERE. Twitch of the mantilla to the Catholic Cavemen's Former Altar Boy!


  1. The head of the Vatican’s Prefecture for Economic Affairs, said, "It would be unacceptable to transform churches into film sets so that his blasphemous novels can be made into films..." A great and resounding HURRAH!!! for the good Archbishop Velasio De Paolis.

    At least this Archbishop can't be bought. Thank God for Bishops with principles and spine. If only this could set a precedent, about the appointment of Bishops that is. I bet he was put under serious pressure by the 'Dan Brownians' to get their way and no doubt the Vatican has mega overheads and buildings maintenance bills to pay, but thankfully someone has drawn a line in the sand and given a firm NO! Enough is enough - we will NOT have our glorious Faith mocked on countless 'silver screens' across the world again. Hollywood can go elsewhere or build themselves a 'faux-vatican' film set - that would employ a few hundred craftsmen, carpenters, plasterers, electricians, gaffers (there's always 'gaffers' on the film credits!), and such. Anyway, who the heck does Dan Brown think he is, the Pope???? The cheek of the guy.
    With a title like 'angels and demons' he had better be careful with this film, as he obviously doesn't believe in the former the latter will play merry 'hell' with him - and frankly, good flippin' riddens!

  2. Anonymous8:15 pm

    Hmm. I suppose that Italian (and Latin) doesn't have a word for 'chutzpah'...
