Sunday 27 July 2008


A couple of people have asked me how Sylvester is doing. YES ! See, Fr. Tim... some people actually like to read about cats!!

Anyway, most of the corneal sequestrum seems to have sloughed off (yuck... nasty dead eye tissue, gross!) and he doesn't appear to be in any discomfort, though there is still a small, discoloured area on his eye. I'm almost certain that he won't need any further treatment.

In the meantime, Sylvester is doing his best to eat me out of house and home. On school days, he gets fed pretty early and then heads out through the catflap as I head on out through the door. I often muse on how long he actually spends outside: this week I can say "virtually none" ! He has divided his time between eating, popping outside briefly to do the necessaries, grooming, nudging my leg with his head (when he wants feeding or attention), sitting on the arm of the armchair behind me and miaowing plaintively (when he wants feeding or attention) and actually sleeping on the armchair. The latter activity takes up by far the greatest proportion of his time...


  1. Sorry for my skepticism. Now, tell me more about the corneal sequestrum ... (NOT!)

  2. Heheheheheh... I shall tell you ALL the gory details tomorrow morning... that'll teach you to schedule a TLM for 7am when I'm on holiday!

    (alternatively, you can check it out here !)

  3. Glad Sylvester is doing better.

  4. Oh, poor Sylvester! I didn't realize he'd been under the weather - poor kitty! Give him some extra love and treats from us kitty lovers on this side of the pond...

  5. Anonymous8:46 pm

    Wow! That's my cat!

    I've got a black cat with a white patch right there, and he's called Sylvester!

    From the pictures I'm guessing he's also as lazy as my cat! :)
