Tuesday 15 July 2008

I Wasn't Going To Say Anything, But...

I know that I do lots of posts about cats. My cat, Sylvester, features heavily, but pretty much any cat will do, and the cuter the better. But, after getting lots and lots of visitors courtesy of blogging heavyweights such as Fr. Zuhlsdorf and Fr. Finigan, and even getting a holiday mention from the Pastor in Valle, I thought it behoved me to try and maintain some gravitas.

And what do I find? First of all, Fr. Ray makes disparaging remarks about cute little kitties (and my fondness for them), though he devotes a whole post to the kitty given to the Holy Father, and then Fr. Tim weighs in by putting up a cat post of his own. Of course, His Hermeneuticalness has tried to disguise his kitty post by dressing it up with comments about the thoughtfulness of the Opus Dei Retreat Centre...

I am not fooled. I see that there is a desperate need for more cat-related items in the Cat-o-lick Blogosfur. Especially when I have noticed that the picture of the kitten shown by Fathers Blake and Finigan bears no resemblance to the description of "Bella" - the 11-month-old grey tabby brought in to stave off any feelings of homesickness the Holy Father may experience while in Australia. To be fair, Fr. Ray did mention that his photo was of a different cat...


  1. Cat-o-lick Blogosfur lol
    Dont forget the magnifiCAT

  2. I've been putting up regular Winnie posts lately. No idea if anyone else likes them, but, meh, who cares?

    I like em.

  3. Mac: The cat photos are a nice way to put yourself over the top! Neither Father Z nor Father Finnigan can compete with these cuties! No way!
