Tuesday 15 July 2008

I Must Be Tired...

We've still got a week to go before we break up for the holidays. I realised how tired I must be when, driving back from school this evening, I heard the announcement that Cardinal Hume was to be dug up in preparation for his beatification...

I have to admit that I nearly crashed the car in surprise. I hadn't realised that Cardinal Hume was considered to be England's most famous convert.

...And then I listened more closely: it was Cardinal Newman they were discussing. I think I need an early night!


  1. Is it normal for kids to be in school this late in the summer? When did this start?

    When I was in school we looked forward to the first week of JUNE to get out.

    What the heck are all the kids still doing in school?

  2. So funny! Mind you we never know what we'll hear next!

  3. Anonymous3:34 pm

    No doubt the thought of exhuming Hume offered your sleepy mind too many puns to resist....
