Sunday 13 July 2008


This is, apparently, a mental disorder affecting elderly progressive Catholics. It goes without saying that "progressive" Catholics are all elderly, and seem to spend their time going on and on about the "wonderful changes" brought in by Vatican II. The fact that most of the younger people listening put Vatican II in the same historical bracket as World War II, World War I and Queen Victoria escapes these progressive types, as does the equally disconcerting fact that Vatican II actually didn't bring in the changes they love most...

But I digress. Read the following article about cappaphobia (it's very entertaining!) and spare a prayer or two for all those sufferers who will, no doubt, be experiencing further attacks in the next few days due to World Youth Day.

Twitch of the mantilla to Fr. Loren Gonzales.


  1. You should read the Bitter Pill's editorial this week on Cardinal Castrillion wearing the cappa!

    Most Novus Ordo die-hards still can't distinguish between dignity of office and dignity of the person.

  2. This is such a funny story.
