Monday 30 June 2008

Time To Redress The Balance...

Ok. Nearly half a day with a dog poster in the top spot of the blog. Time to remedy that...

...despite having gone to bed rather later than intended, and then being struck with a case of insomnia (I was afraid I'd oversleep!) I somehow managed to get to church at 6:40am for Mass at 7am. I was very, very tired. If Fr. Tim had been even slightly more cheerful than he was, I might have strangled him with his own maniple... I hate people who are cheerful first thing in the morning...

I am now even more tired, and figure that it's late enough for me to go to bed and not wake up at 2am thinking I've overslept...

See you all tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous9:55 pm

    Oops! Remind me never to come visit.

    I am generally "not grumpy" (but "not cheery") first thing in the morning (the "not cheery" due to the commute), however, if I do not have to commute, or am possessed of the carefree nature of a holiday then... well... I better be glad I have no maniples!!!

  2. Anonymous9:55 pm

    P.S. Yet! ;-P

  3. My little sister once decided to annoy me by being purposely happy when I visited her. I would have done some violence to her but it turns out that she is taller then me by half a foot. Genetics, shesh. Go figure.

  4. Gee whiz, does Fr. Tim always have Mass at the crack of crack? 7? [Well, there are some parishes that do have it that early around here, but it's usually at 8 in most places....]

  5. Mark - Fr. Tim wasn't overly cheery, just his normal self - I just consider that to be rather indecent at that time in the morning! I am not a morning person...

    Deb - I agree with you on the genetics. My sister is taller, better looking and thinner (though not the latter at the moment as she's pregnant!!)

    Karen - No, Mass isn't usually at 7am. Because Seminary's finished for the Summer hols, Fr. Tim isn't lecturing there on Monday mornings, but the regular supply priest still says the usual parish Mass (at 10am) As Fr. Tim still has to say Mass, he says a private one at a time which is convenient. If it had been any later than 7am I'd have been unable to go because of work... (I was grateful for the opportunity to go to Mass on a weekday, honest!...)

  6. Hah! You probably wouldn't like being around me in the morning, depending on what time you get up.

    I'm up around 4:30, so when the people who get up at 6:30 get into work at 7:00, I'm already feeling like it's lunchtime!

  7. That cat looks just like me in the morning. I am NOT a morning person except when I do get up early I am instantly awake and rather cheerful. I just crash later.......
