Saturday 21 June 2008

Stand Up For The Truths Of Our Faith? Don't Be Silly...

I was very, very sad to read that the Catholic Children's Society (Southwark, A&B and Portsmouth, I presume... unlike Westminster) has demonstrated a distinct lack of backbone in the face of the latest government legislation with regard to placing children with homosexual couples for adoption.

I'm too disgusted by this to go into the details here. I can only say that, following the

"two-year period of dialogue and reflection between the Society and its President and Vice Presidents - the Archbishop of Southwark, the Bishop of Arundel & Brighton and the Bishop of Portsmouth"

that the aforementioned Bishops will take steps to ensure that the Society no longer calls itself "Catholic" as it is blatantly failing to uphold the teachings of the Catholic Church, and also that the Bishops will dissociate themselves from this Society (including the cessation of Christmas Crib collections.)

You can read the Society's self-justifying statement HERE, if you have the stomach for it. Mantilla-twitch to Fr. Fisher.


  1. In my diocese, Salford, I have heard that the Catholic Children's Rescue Society faces closure after 120 years because of its refusal to go along with this.

    See, there's still some backbone left somewhere!

  2. Anonymous8:55 pm

    They don't call us A&B the Dead See for nothing.....

  3. Anonymous11:31 pm

    Scandalous. Those responsible for this are a disgrace to the Church of today and to our fore-fathers of yester-year, who gave the pennies they could probably ill-afford to build up the society. For what now? Capitulating to immoral government leglisation. What would St John Fisher have done? We all know the answer to that.

    Let's pray for these poor bishops that they will discover the strength of the faith before it is too late for them.

  4. It's tragic situation. The bishops should realise that if they want to take on the Establishment, we will be behind them.

  5. Philip: sadly, I think the point is that our bishops, far from wanting to take on the establishment, seem to want to become part of it; at one with it.There was some discussion, recently about the comments of Archbishop Vincent Nicholls on BBC radio 4 regarding the creation of 'saviour siblings'. The Archbishop said (on air)that he did not think that we would accord the same status to early embryos as we would to an adult, sitting beside us.Many of us felt that he had been put in an unenviable position, having to respond with sensitivity to a situation that some parents find themselves in.John Smeaton (SPUC) has written to Archbishop Nicholls, seeking clarification on this. It seems that the Archbishop's response is that he stands by what he said, on air, on Radio 4 last month.

  6. Please Holy father - send us a REAL Cardinal that will 'kick' this spineless lot into gear. Miss Book is spot on - our Bishops have been cosying up to the government for years! The fiasco with St Tony Blair, his wife Cherry Baby demonstrating her catholicity by promoting condoms and her liturgical 'beliefs' - and the Bishops do NOTHING , NADA, NIET !!!

    We need someone from outside the 'club' to come in and reorganise things in E & W - sooner rather than later.
