Sunday 15 June 2008

Different Photos...

These were taken with my trusty little phone camera. First of all, I gave a lift to Leutgeb, author of Bara Brith. We arrived early, and, after bumping into Fr. Ray Blake, we decided to go for a quick coffee. We didn't stay long, as I was sure that all the seats would be taken fairly early, and the idea of standing for a two-hour Mass didn't really appeal...

After the Mass, people congregated outside on the Piazza, catching up with various friends, and, in some cases, making new ones. I was surprised to be greeted by one person with the comment "You must be the strong woman!" - surprised because my profile shows the back of my head, and he was seated in front of me in the cathedral... and anyway, there was hardly a shortage of mantillas in evidence! Mike (a Facebook friend and blog reader) later admitted that he'd seen me greet Fr. Tim before we all went into the Cathedral.

I also spotted Damian Thompson talking animatedly to a group of people (possibly fellow journalists) and hastened to take advantage of this photo opportunity. I hadn't realised that he had already been at a press conference to interview the Cardinal before the Mass started. Apparently a journalist from The Tablet was also there, and was having a gripe about the Church being dragged backwards. Mr. Thompson soon put her right, according to my source!

I was delighted to make the acquaintance (in person) of Mark, author of Rise and Pray. He is a really great chap, with a wicked sense of humour and a fantastic personality. If I wasn't already spoken for, he'd be in serious trouble! (It's ok, Mark, only kidding... !)

Seriously, though, I think Mark has been holding out on us, blog-wise. His understanding of the Faith and his witty comments made him a real pleasure to converse with! There! I bet I've made him blush!

Fr. Tim can be seen here, checking out the damage to his camera. Fr. Charles Briggs, Parish Priest of Chislehurst and non-blogging priestly blog-guest is on the right. I was delighted to get to know Fr. Charles a little better on our trip to Lourdes - he was chaplain to the group along with Fr. Tim.

And here you can see Mark and Fr. Tim discussing exactly how many photos I'd taken...

Truly, a day to remember!


  1. What a memorable occasion.

    I was seated two places away from you but didn't get a chance to say "hello". I recognised you by the cameras and guessed the large one was Fr Finigan's.

  2. I was sitting next to Mac, so were you sitting next to me?

    Small world. I'm the one next to Fr Ray at the top of the post, my countenance revealed to all, huh.

  3. Anonymous9:20 pm

    Mac, you're very kind! It was an absolutely wonderful day and I hope to see a lot more of all of you! :)

  4. Hello leutgeb, I was next to you.

    I've now looked at your blog and will check it out regularly.

  5. Thanks Marita. Better go over and spring clean, lots of visitors today!

  6. I'm so jealous, I can hardly stand it!

    Looks like a great time despite the fact that Father Finnigan looks like he's about to have a pint dumped on his pate!
