Friday 18 April 2008

And The Winner Of The Best Church Militant Blog Is...

...not me. Fr. Erik Richtsteig sneaked up on me while I was away on retreat. Not fair, and I'm going to sulk...

Congratulations to all, and especially to Carolina Cannonball for hosting the event. It was fun while it lasted...


  1. Well I voted for you! This time next year...

  2. You'll always be number one in our hearts. Go read my comment after yours on Crescat:)

  3. Don't feel bad Mac. I had the advantage of growing up around US Marines for the Militant part.

  4. Sorry off-opic,
    Have you heard anything about chemistry g.c.s.e students being compelled to write sulfate instead of sulphate in their exams otherwise they'll lose points ?
    My daughter's in a quandary over it....

  5. OTSOTA - I haven't heard any such thing... I think it's pretty unlikely, as they're not generally fussed about spelling (there are a couple of marks on some papers allocated, but not much)

    The Sulfate spelling is American, Sulphate is British... they can't mark that down, even though all the textbooks seem to be going over to the US spelling.

    Wish your daughter good luck!


    I've heard that the Royal Society of Chemistry is now endorsing the American spelling. I know our Chemistry teachers are holding out, but unfortunately I think the American spelling is here to stay.

    However, as Mac says, it is really unlikely she'll drop marks for spelling.

  7. Well, I felt so sorry for you that I went back and voted three times!!!
    As to Sulfate - NEVER! My son's name has a "ph" in the middle of it, and we definitely won't be changing it to an eff!
