Sunday 10 February 2008

Transformation Of An Altar... Blackfen Style!

Following the enormous success of La métamorphose d'un autel last year, I was tempted to see if I could come up with something similar. After a couple of Sunday mornings where I arrived to find the altar already set up, I managed to get in extra early this morning. After lurking in the car park until someone from the 9am Mass vacated a parking space, I nearly found that I was too late again... but I persuaded the altar servers and sacristan to wait until my phone camera was switched on...

It's not as good as the original, mostly because of the very slow shutter speed on my phone camera, and the length of time it needs to reset itself after each photo...


  1. Anonymous8:52 pm

    I like the way you narrate it like a cooking recipe! :-D Who is the chap in the ?? academic gown?

  2. Wow, Mark... that was quick... I've only just put it up!

    The chap in the academic gown is Chris, one of our senior servers. He plays the organ at the 9am Mass (and wears the gown for that... he changes to cassock and cotta for the 10:30am Mass when he serves)

  3. Anonymous5:58 am

    Ah; thanks.

    I couldn't work out why he was wearing it, because I thought wardens were only in the CofE.

    As to my speed, well, that's the joy of RSS Newsreaders.

  4. Someone needs to give Fr. Finigan an altar frontal or two.

  5. Anonymous6:01 am

    Hilary: Why? The front of the altar looks nice enough; it has a kind of M-thing on it doesn't it? I'd heard to only use an antependium if the front was grotty.
