Sunday 10 February 2008

One Thing Which Struck Me...

I was aware that the church was packed for the Mass at yesterday's Day With Mary (did I mention how brilliant the whole day was?) though the photos don't show this: many people could only come for part of the day, and chose to make it for the Mass (and I wasn't taking photos of the congregation during that!) I thought that there were more people than for a normal Sunday Mass, going by the queue for Holy Communion.

The best bit just had to be when Fr. Tim knelt down after Mass to pray the Leonine Prayers... after the Hail Holy Queen and the "collect", Fr Tim started off the prayer to St. Michael... "Holy Michael the archangel,"

...and the entire congregation thundered back, "Defend us in the day of battle!"

I bet that gave Satan pause for thought!!


  1. Is jealousy a sin if you are jealous of the Day with Mary....


  2. Anonymous6:17 pm

    That reminds me of Mass in the House: despite the small numbers (the House Chapel is small), it's like the Borg droning back, "defend us in the day of battle"!

  3. Anonymous1:42 pm

    Its quite stirring when many people do the same thing all at the same time. Awesome.
