Monday 11 February 2008

The Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

Today is one of my favourite feast days. Yes, I know that technically it can only be observed as a commemoration, as we're in Lent, but it's still a big day for me.

I love Lourdes. It is the most spiritually uplifting place. I love the way that the sick and disabled get priority... and heaven help you if you block a wheelchair lane. I love it that all the shops around town are selling statues and rosaries and medals... but no-one minds that you've bought stuff from the shop next door. I love the processions.

But most especially, I love the fact that Lourdes is one in the eye for our secular society. Evidence for the existence of God? Well, are sixty-six fully attested miracles enough for you?


  1. Anonymous6:29 pm

    I would love to visit Lourdes one day. Częstochowa too. In fact...any place of pilgrimage!

  2. Anonymous10:24 pm

    Mac!! Have you been to visit the Grotto in Lourdes today? Why not go now:

    click: webcam at the Grotte

    My parents have just come from there!!! :c). Happy Feast Day!

  3. Anonymous11:43 pm

    We had Mass to commemorate today's feast in our Cathedral with out Bishop as chief celebrant.

    What really touched me was how many fog braved a foggy night to attend, and more so, 2 of our pilgrimage team (non-RC's) who could sing "Immaculate Mary" word / verse perfect without a glance at the Hymn book!

    I'm gonna miss not being there this year.


  4. Anonymous4:34 pm

    Great to read your post,i too have been greatly devoted to OL of Lourdes right from childhood.

    Could you tell me where i can find online the mass text for the fest of OL of Lourdes


  5. Lourdes. A wonderful place of pilgrimage. I would encourage you to go Mark. I went in 1999 and 2000.
    God Bless.
