Tuesday 12 February 2008

Can You Keep A Secret?

I saw this over on Karen's blog... and I just laughed and laughed!


  1. Interesting you should post this Mac: cold war civil defence is one of my hobbies! This was one of a chain of 8 top secret nuclear bunkers from which government would operate in the event of a nuclear holocaust round the country. It is now of course a museum. It is the tip of the iceberg: for the reality was that in the 1980's we were very close to nuclear war. Right around the countryside are ordinary looking manholes to what were shelters used for measuring fallout, while sirens existed in fire stations to warn the population of impending doom. I could rabbit on for ever, but here is a website giving more information: www.ringbell.co.uk

  2. We;ve got one near here too. It is clearly labeled on the highway sign, "Secret Bunker".

    My Uncle Mike is particularly amused by this joke.

  3. I've had that pic for a while, someone sent me a set of signage that was very funny. I thought this one was one of the best. If I knew it was going to make you laugh so hard I wouldn't have saved it for so long!


  4. Karen, I'm easily amused!

  5. They might have added "Museum" to the end to make it make more sense, but that wouldn't have been nearly as funny. Perhaps they did it on purpose...
    At any rate, it's great.

  6. The Bunker referred to in the picture is only about 30 minutes away from me. It does make an interesting visit, though one does not quite believe that it could have "worked" in the event of the doomsday scenario it was intended to manage. If my memory serves me correctly, it had a previous use as a control room for military aircraft, and was manned from North Weald airfield. It was then converted to its "nuclear" use.

  7. Shhh...its a secret that everyone knows about. Don't tell anyone else or it won't be a secret anymore. LOL Now I want to see this museum.
