Friday 15 February 2008


I arrived home keen to check email and blogs, in that order. I tried to access my email. The computer told me that I'd have to set up an email account...

What the... I tried not to panic. I resisted the urge to throw the computer out of the window. I checked that my internet connection was working. All ok. So what had happened to the email?

I couldn't find it anywhere. I knew that I must have a file somewhere, because I save mail in local folders on my computer, but where exactly? With Windows 95, every file turned up, and you could see the root. On XP, all the "annoying" computer-ish stuff is tidied away carefully, so you often only get to see the file names. Doing a search didn't produce anything.

I decided to set my email account back up again, and worry about the old stuff later. And then I had a brainwave, and looked up the location of the "new" mail folders. Aha. Bingo. The old folders were in a folder next to the new ones. Obvious, innit? It only took me an hour to figure out.

Why? No idea. The computer was working fine last night when I switched it off. I must have gremlins...


  1. God help me: If I were given carte blanche to commit any sin I wanted to without repercussions, I'd love to get Bill Gates in a corner and beat him insensate with a baseball bat. The other day I switched on the computer and all the icons had all done a "student body left and what was on the left was partially on the right" Gott im Himmel.


  2. Anonymous4:23 pm

    Here's my suggestion: uninstall Microsoft Office after saving your files, install Sun Microsystem's free Open Office which is a complete replacement for Microsoft Office. And you can continue to use Thunderbird. I think.
