Wednesday 23 January 2008

Three More For Rollcall...

...And now I've found another three blogs. Not sure how they avoided my attention for so long. They've probably not been very neighbourly, and haven't made any comments. I'm nosy: I nearly always check out the people who comment on my blog posts...

First we have DigiHairshirt over at The Digital Hairshirt... to be fair, I've seen Digi's incisive and witty comments over at Karen's place before, but never quite managed to get as far as her blog... mea culpa, mea culpa...!

And next up is Adele from Journey to Therese. Adele is a Canadian living in the US... I haven't managed to figure out if this is a permanent state of affairs, and if so, why she's in exile...

Finally, we have Credo, Catholic Journal, from Ireland... at least, I think it's posted from Ireland. There's lots of Irish stuff mentioned, so it's probably a safe-enough assumption...

Pay them a visit and say hallo! And watch this space for more great blog discoveries!


  1. Mac, thanks for the Credo pointer. It has for a while struck me how I've spotted UK, Aussie, Canadian, South African, and the occasional NZ poster, I seldom if ever spot a hit from Ireland. Either they can't stand me, OR the last practicing Catholic there left and turned out the lights. I'd hoped not. :-D

    [I've met Digi, she's a blast, and Adele's blog is a real treat. And frankly, (dons flame retardant suit) I spent a year in Indiana one month ... and if you'd ever been there, you'd feel like you were in exile too. Let me just say, that "back in the day" these people would have talked for months had someone hung anything more exciting than a training bra on the wash line. Somethin' about 'em makes you want to smoke a pack of ciggies and throw back a few scotches before noon. Even if you don't smoke or drink much. Think of a church full of Calvinists sucking on lemons and you've pretty much got it.

    [Willya give me some room in the slit trench, the "incoming" is going to get thick.]

  2. Greetings from Ireland. Thanks for the visit to the site and adding us to the blogroll.Our blog is run by young people from Ireland and two American friends living in the US.One of us is 38,I'm 26 but the majority are under twenty-five.
    Keep them in your prayers.
    the blog is unofficial but feel free to drop comments etc etc or email us
    God Bless.

  3. I guess we are now 'new' neighbours. Religious Blogging is not big in Ireland yet.

  4. Mac,

    Thank you for your kind words. I have not had the chance to do much original blogging lately, so my insanity has been confined to comment boxes such as yours today. However, I will go over and dedicate today's "Obscure Music Friday" to you now!
