Saturday 12 January 2008

Not For Anyone With Heart Problems...

...This video, courtesy of Fr. Zuhlsdorf. I suppose it has got one thing going for it: at least all the dancers are modestly dressed... (I mean, some of the skimpy little outfits you see "liturgical dancers" wear are more suitable for the beach!)

And just for comparison, the original liturgical dance...

Thank God for Summorum Pontificum!


  1. ...and they say the Victorians were cruel for going to gawp at the patients at Bedlam.

  2. Anonymous8:11 am

    I still think the first lot should be lynched!

    I don't care if Aaron danced in front of the tabernacle; I'm not Aaron!

  3. Anonymous10:07 am


    I got through 41 whole seconds of it before I thought I would either barf or burst.

    I must be getting tougher.

  4. Has anyone been able to figure out exactly WHAT "liturgical dance" was supposed to do for the Church?! How does watching men and women writhing around the church put anyone into a sacred mood??

  5. Now, because I am slightly ignorant on such matters I didn't fully realise exactly what this 'liturgical dancing' was all about. Why on earth would a Priest allow such a thing to happen during Mass? Why would a Catholic attend a Mass where such a thing happens? I don't get it.

  6. Mac,
    You owe me lunch.

    PS The high altar at the first parish is simply lovely. What a pity.

  7. Anonymous2:50 pm

    Both are ghastly: the first is jarring and distracting; the second miserable. How about Novus ordo at Fram st or westminster cathedral with good ceremonial and some Langlais etc. What a pity Elgar did not write a mass.
