Tuesday 20 November 2007

Learning Latin...

No, not me (at least, not right now... though I really will have to knuckle down and learn the "Asperges me" for the Sunday morning Latin Mass we have once a month in my parish.)

Skipping through some of my favourite blogs this evening, I happened across this amusing snippet from A Thorn in the Pew... she was reminiscing about the odd phrases one learns in class.

I think my favourite has to be: Cogito ergo doleo - I think therefore I am depressed...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:22 am

    Mac, is your asperges sung or spoken? The only reason I ask is I've noticed that where the Mass is sung, I've been unwittingly committing huge chunks of it to memory! (I only discovered this by accident after listening to an audio file of the Mass.)
