Thursday 22 November 2007

Happy Thanksgiving !

Ok, I know we're not actually celebrating this side of the pond (for some strange reason it's the only holiday that hasn't crossed over... yet) but the Blogosphere means that we can enjoy it virtually...

It always seemed strange to me (when I was a kid) that Americans would celebrate Thanksgiving so close to Christmas... bad planning. I mean, wouldn't it be more fun to spread the holidays out a bit? After all, a person can have too much turkey...

Now I know what Thanksgiving is all about, I know better...

...a person can never have too much turkey!

(BTW, I stole the photo from Karen!)


  1. Feel free to grab the holiday back. When the Pilgrims first did it back in 1621 or so they were still British subjects. G. Washington (there's a nice proclamation by him on my site) established the custom throughout the the new United States, it had been done in New England for over a century.

    I'm flying "solo" this year (no arguments with uncle Mel re: the efficacy of the "statue of liberty play." - we watch football on TG too)

    On my menu:

    Turkey - I get wings, thighs, drumsticks and roast as needed today and for the rest of the week.

    Corn - maize to you!
    Mashed potatoes - eaten with turkey gravy

    Stuffed mushrooms
    hot brown and serve dinner rolls with lots of butter (the type of rolls is key, one year I ate at a friends house and I was secretly VERY disappointed with the rolls, leaden, cold things - when I'd gotten home swung by the store for some -- this type of rolls, for reasons unbeknownst to me, not stocked year round.)

    I broke with tradition this year and instead of pumpkin pie, I went with cherry. [heresy, I know)

    For appetizer in the morning I snacked on brie and crackers...and some Walker's shortbread, in honor of all of you.

    I was never one for cranberries and yams -- two indispensable items on most people's menus. But I'm a simple girl at heart.

  2. I am home from seminary for Thanksgiving this week, and I would like to stop by your blog and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Well, I don't eat Turkey for Christmas because I just got sick of so much Turkey. Instead we buy some good steaks and grill them for Christmas. Then again, my family is a bit odd.
