Sunday 5 August 2007

More From Woldingham

In what is rapidly becoming part of the Faith Conference Experience, at the end of the Session we were treated to a video "snapshot" of the proceedings, courtesy of "Fr. Gadget" of the Hermeneutic of Continuity...

There have been a few reports from fellow bloggers (there were quite a few of us there, which means that, for the sake of fraternal charity, it was probably Divine Providence which prevented us accessing Blogger while at the school!) and I thought it might be an idea to link to the posts I've spotted... if I've missed anyone out, just drop me a line in the com-box and I shall update the post pronto!

So far we have The Hermeneutic of Continuity, South Ashford Priest, Auntie Joanna Writes, Bashing Secularism, Sisters of the Gospel of Life and Orthfully Catholic (who hasn't actually posted anything yet, but has promised to do so soon...)


  1. Thanks for all your news, Mac. Help, please! I have tried to publish two posts - it says "your post has been successfully published" but nothing appears - what do I do?

  2. Refresh (reload) the page - if it's the post with the flea, then I can see it when I visit your blog...
