Tuesday 21 August 2007

How About...

... a little Caption Competition? I thought "Mutton dressed as the Lamb of God" was rather appropriate, but I'm sure you can come up with better ones!

Twitch of the mantilla to A Thorn in the Pew.


  1. Why can't Catholics have chasubles like that? Grrrr...

  2. Moe, Larry, and Shemp Ride Again.

  3. Anonymous11:23 am

    Why is there a woman in a chasuble sitting next to him in the Catholic Cathedral?

  4. Anonymous6:54 pm

    His Grace: "Maybe if I just ignore her, she'll go away by herself..."

    (Wishful thinking- on my part- I know...)

  5. Bishop's thought baloon: "oh dash, bald guy and hippy again... if only Fred would give half of his hair to Harold. hey, what's that smell?"
    Harold's thought baloon: "Hey, what's that smell?"
    Fred's thought baloon: "Ah... no one will notice..."

  6. Bishop Conti may be having second thoughts about being guest of honour at the inaugural meeting of the new Guild of Perpetually Glum and Dismal Vestment Makers

  7. Anonymous9:13 am

    "What's that? Got something to say about me stomping on the Old Mass? Just tell it to my minders, Crusher and Bruiser here."

  8. Anonymous11:14 am

    Mac, you're simply too kind. I think 'mutton dressed up as mutton' is as far as my charity will stretch.

    Ecumenism???? Yikes!

  9. Anonymous11:48 am

    Why ecumenism? The picture shows the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Glasgow and two Catholic priests.

  10. John, the one on the left is a woman, and last time I looked, there was a definite embargo on Catholic wimmyn being priests.

    The woman is actually an Anglican...

  11. Anonymous8:50 pm

    Actually no, the priest is male- of Aberdeen diocese I believe.

  12. John, in your first comment (Why ecumenism?) you said the picture showed the Archbishop and two Catholic priests... I was pointing out that one of them wasn't!

  13. Anonymous5:05 pm

    I believe you're right John.

    If memory serves me correctly, this pic was from the Archbishop's first mass at the helm of Glasgow.

    (I really wonder what the poor man must be thinking given that this pic and his gender have popped up over a few blogs. Homework time folks, eh?)

  14. No WAY is that a man?!
