Sunday 8 July 2007

Typical... Nothing For Ages...

...and then two memes come at once. This one is from Newhousenewjob over at Just Doing My Best. And it's a really tricky one...

Ok, to begin with, here are the rules:

Those tagged will share 5 things they love about Jesus.
Those tagged will tag 5 other bloggers.
Those tagged will provide a link in the combox here with their name so that others can read them.
(ie. I have to go back and tell Newhousenewjob I've answered, and my tagees have to do the same for me. Just making that clear, as I had to read the last point a few times before I got it!)

I could just cheat outrageously and say "I love absolutely everything about Jesus," but I doubt I'd be allowed to get away with such a simple answer. And Newhousenewjob makes a mean yoghurt cake, and I'd like to be invited back to eat another one some time. So, in no particular order... I love:

1. ...the fact that he gave us the gift of himself to be received in Holy Communion. How awesome is that...? I mean, you can't physically get any closer than that.

2. ...the fact that he left us his Mother. She'll always put in a good word for us. That's what mothers do!

3. ...the fact that he gave us the Church as the living expression of his Truth. Not only that, but he gave a cast-iron guarantee that the Church would not fail to teach the Truth, despite our attempts to mess it up. So we don't have to worry and wonder about what Jesus would have done (or said) - we know!!

4. ...the fact that he accepts our feeble apologies for our sins. Time and time again, we're forgiven, and welcomed back with open arms. Even if we're only sorry because we don't want to go to hell. He'll take any excuse!!

5. ...the fact that he died for me. I realised, when I experienced my conversion and returned to the Church, that Jesus died for me. He knew I would betray him. He still went to the Cross, for me. And even if I had been the only person to be saved, he would still have gone willingly and gladly to be crucified, for me.

I'm also pretty keen on the fact that his first miracle was to turn water into wine (and none of your cheapo muck either!) and the fact that he didn't bite Thomas's head off when he doubted the Resurrection, even after three years of miracles. There's hope for slow learners like me!!

Hmmmmmn. Now, whom to tag...? Right, I shall inflict this upon Cate, Mark, A Thorn in the Pew, Fr. Paul and Brad.


  1. Anonymous7:40 am

    those are 5 good points!

  2. Excellent responses - I'll have to make another yogurt cake... :¬)

  3. Anonymous8:31 pm

    Homework is finished and posted. Now I'll go work on writing 500 times, "I will learn to follow the rules." :)

  4. Anonymous10:18 am

    Great responses Mac. If only more Catholics would pause and remind themselves of nothing other than these five points from time to time what a difference it would make in their lives.

    We might also 'turn the tables' so to speak and ponder on five things that Jesus loves about each one of us personally. Oh Oh.... not so easy! God Bless.

  5. I've done my work.

  6. Mac - sorry I didn't get to meet you - I never heard from Fr. Tim, he must be very busy - but did have a nice supper with Fr. John Boyle - please pray for me as I begin in my two new parishes.
    Fr. Owl.
