Friday 8 June 2007

Welcome To The Blogosphere

A warm welcome to Cate, who started her own blog, Caeli et Terrae fairly recently. She took me up on a blanket tag I put out on the 4 x 2 meme (though her response isn't up yet!)

I remember how I felt a year ago, looking at the "old hands" who were busy tagging each other, wondering if anyone would ever read my blog and tag me to find out what I thought... So, Cate, consider yourself tagged!

Having checked out Cate's blog, I see that in the week or so of her blogging career she has managed to put up two pictures of the Holy Father, two pictures of Our Lady, the Papal flag, a view of St Peter's and a post on the Motu Proprio...

Definitely my kind of blog. She also has the most amazing banner picture at the top of her blog. Pop over and give her a warm welcome to the Blogosphere.

UPDATE: Cate has put up her answers to the 4 x 2 meme, and I'm all agog to see her future experiments in astrophotography (though I do realise that this could take up to four years!) She said that she'd been worried about alerting me to the fact she'd taken me up on the meme - but believe me, seeing a link back when you've put out a "blanket" tag is half the fun, so if anyone else out there wants to play, just let me know...


  1. Anonymous5:30 am

    Uh oh! Baby blogger learns quickly: put meme on blog before notifying tagger. Got it!

    (And thank you - wow - what a lovely surprise!)

    O! and our cat, Sophie, she snores too! I'll try to put up a picture of her soon for Sylvester.

  2. Can I shamelessly plug the resurrection of my blog:

  3. Hi - I've woken up at last, and tagged you again for your troubles...
