Wednesday 20 June 2007

Bloggers Of The World, Unite...

...or, at the very least, have an excellent and entertaining lunch! I was invited down to Brighton with Fr. Tim Finigan (Hermeneutic of Continuity) to meet Fr. Ray Blake (Saint Mary Magdalen), and was delighted to see that Fr. John Boyle (South Ashford Priest) and Fr Seán Finnegan (lately of Valle Adurni) were also there.

I hate having my photo taken... the only photo I am really happy with is my profile picture: the back of my head with me wearing a mantilla is definitely my best side! I offered to be the "official" photographer for the occasion (as you can see from the snaps I took of Fr Ray (above) and Fr Seán (left)), but unfortunately I was overruled... Looking at the photos which have appeared on the respective blogs, I see that my judgement was correct, and I shall ensure that I don't give in so easily again!

However, since this is my blog, I shall break ranks and put up the much better photo I took after lunch...


  1. Anonymous7:55 am

    Great pictures! Don't those Priests look wonderful!

    God bless

    are you doing the martyrs walk?

  2. Hmmm. When we have lunch next week, let's just take a picture of the food... ;¬)

  3. Excellent idea, Newhouse... assuming it stays on the table long enough!

    Jackie, no, I can't make the walk this year.
